Local Missions
Kelli Coleman is the Missions Coordinator for the FPC Session
If you are interested in becoming involved with any of our Mission projects, please contact the church office.
Leave a message after hours.
These are the primary missions FPC is undertaking:
Community Lighthouse Food Pantry
202 Compton Bottom Road Belfry, Kentucky (41514) (606) 257-1140
Community Lighthouse Food Pantry distributes Mondays and Fridays @ 2pm. Already this year they have served 651 families distributing nearly 176,000 pounds of food. The average box size a family takes home is 49 pounds. This food bank is special in that they not only distribute non-perishable items but perishables as well. First Presbyterian Church has recently become involved with this special organization.
Davis-Stuart School "Ways We Can Help" Project
Davis -Stuart School was chartered in 1919 and is a residential treatment facility serving youth ages 12-18. Originally a home to orphaned and dependent children, the youth today are in state custody due to family circumstance, abuse/neglect, or abuse of alcohol and/or drugs. The main campus in Lewisburg, WV consists of a school and five residential cottages. Additionally there are four group homes which house 6 residents each. These are located in Beckley, Bluefield, Maxwellton, and Princeton. Spiritual needs of the residents are met through a voluntary chaplaincy program conducted weekly. Bibles are distributed as a special gift for residents to keep. Davis-Stuart is funded by WV HHR Bureau of Children and Families, and Medicaid, but relies heavily on the benevolences of individuals, foundations, community groups and the Presbyterian Church, USA and its members.
You can help support Davis-Stuart and its group homes by participating in the “Ways We Can Help” project. Back to school, bedding, and sundry items are welcome as well as financial contributions to help maintain 50 buildings and 580 acres of land. First Presbyterian Church, Williamson gathers these donations to be delivered near the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in this Mission, please contact the church or bring donated items to the Fellowship Hall located in the church’s bottom floor.
Our church’s ongoing mission to help those in need includes donations of food items collected during each month. Each week a specific non-perishable food item is listed in our bulletin. Members and friends bring what they can. The FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of Williamson then picks up all that has been donated during the month in order to distribute to individuals and families in need.
The church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry was begun in 2009 by the late Tasha Browning. Like the original ministry begun by Janet Severi Bristow & Victoria Galo in 1998, ours was begun by the Presbyterian Women with prayerfully knitted or crocheted shawls made for and given to individuals in times of need. Recipients of the shawls are those in need of comfort and solace. Often they are grieving, have been ill or are recovering from surgery, are in times of stress or transition, or just needing to know someone cares.
Many members and friends have donated the materials for the shawls. Patsy Blair, Dora Gilliam, Ann Athey, and the late Nell Hatfield have assembled many shawls with love and prayers. “Shawls, made for centuries universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter, and beautify. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed as if given wings to fly above their troubles…” Janet Bristow-1998
Anyone can participate, whether through prayer, yarn donations, cash donations for yarn supplies, knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting, etc., or maybe you know someone who would benefit from the gift of a prayer shawl. If you are interested, please contact us at the church.
Hotline: 304-235-6121
The Tug Valley Women’s Recovery Shelter is domestic violence help here in Williamson that can house several families in need. Women and children are boarded here safely. They are able to obtain Personal Protective Orders and other legal aid in order to escape the cycle of abuse.
While the shelter receives annual funding, sometimes it falls short. Our church family has stepped up to assist in these times. A specific item such as snacks or toilet paper is placed in the church bulletin weekly. Members bring the items listed. The church then delivers the items collected every month to the Shelter.
Two-Cents-A-Meal Collection Second Sunday of each month
Two Cents-a-Meal invites every member of your congregation to prayerfully contribute a few cents at each meal to help alleviate hunger and poverty. Ideally, contributions come from “living more simply so that others may simply live.” Participation in Two Cents-a-Meal is also a commitment to share with others in response to Jesus’ command, “You give them something to eat.”
The Two Cents-a-Meal concept originated with Presbyterian women to provide an opportunity for individuals and families to participate in a corporate response to world hunger. The Presbyterian Women’s Birthday Offering funded a hunger program that started the Hunger Action Enabler network in 1973. In November 1975, Florida resident Rosellyn Calvert, whose own family was struggling financially, asked God what she could do to help those suffering from hunger and poverty around the world. She was led to give just two cents a meal. The Calvert family committed to each give two cents, and in April of 1976 Rosellyn shared the concept with her presbytery. Today, most presbyteries encourage the contribution of two cents (or more)per person at each meal, reminding individuals, families and groups each time they eat of the needs of others and our call to respond as Christians to their hunger. Daily participation is a reminder of the reality of hunger for millions of our sisters and brothers in the world. As the money accumulates, those participating become aware that small, regular acts can result in significant responses to hunger and that there is great strength in working together with other Christians.
Pastor Bill and Clerk of Session, Susan Conn, are active Board Members of STOP. They, along with other community leaders, continue the efforts of STOP in order to end substance abuse in our area.
Strong Through Our Plan (The STOP Coalition) was begun in the early 1990s by a group of citizens concerned about the growing problem of substance abuse in Southern West Virginia. As the organization grew and progressed, a mission was adopted: STOP is committed to serving and mobilizing our communities around the issues of substance abuse in order to promote community well being and a high quality of life that is free from the impact of substance abuse and its adverse effects.
To move toward accomplishing this mission, two broad goals have been articulated:
Reduce substance abuse and related problems in Mingo County.
Promote cultural change by engaging in research, education, coalition building, environmental management, intervention, and other appropriate activities to reduce high risk alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use in the community.
The STOP Coalition provides services regarding substance abuse prevention and recovery. More importantly, we function to provide assistance and support to organizations already in place to add drug and alcohol prevention to their goals. By incorporating prevention into the programs of existing resources such as after-school programs and summer day camps, we maximize the reach of both organizations. Our purpose is community facilitation. The grassroots approach to social change is the most effective, and we play a key role in organizing groups for the common cause of substance abuse prevention.
Care Bears
Care Bears are small cuddly stuffed bears made prayerfully with bright colors and soft materials to comfort young ones who have been ill or have been to the doctor.
Many of the ladies of the church are involved in the making and distributing of the bears. Patsy Blair, Gloria Handy, and Judy Hatfield cut out the bear patterns. Dora Gilliam, Judy Hatfield, and Gloria Handy sew and stuff them. Gloria and Patsy are responsible for putting on the bows and faces.
The bears have recently been given to So. Williamson ARH Emergency Room, Chuck Johnson-Pediatrician, and the Williamson Wellness Center. Vickie Fields also distributes some to Mingo county Elementary Schools.
The ladies estimate around 200 bears are made and distributed each year. FPC has been handing out "Care Bears" for many years in efforts to reach young lives with the love of God.